Where can you buy Minecraft servers cheaply once?

- in Servers

Hi. I wanted to ask if anyone knows if and where / how you can buy a Minecraft server once for little money (not that you have to pay so much and every euro or month, but that you buy a server once and then never again must pay). Would appreciate answers.


You can buy a physical server somewhere in Frankfurt or something and then install a Minecraft server on it. I don't know if this is available directly for gameserver.


Yes, but it's not cheap.
It has to be serviced, electricity costs etc.


That works with zap hosting


But how…


What do you mean by that?


Most hosters have to be paid monthly. The easiest way to install a local server on your PC. You probably want to play with friends. So you still need port forwarding (with or without DNS) or Hamachi.


The purchase server at Zap costs a minimum of 99 euro, with minimal equipment, because it runs as a by-product on large servers.

Nowhere is it guaranteed that you can have the server for life, because no one can say how long this service is worth…

And to pay 8.25 euro a month, if not 2GB RAM are included, who does that…

Then prefer to host from home, if the interest passes in a year, then you saved 50 euro.

And home hosting is really easy…


OK thanks. But can you create your own server addresses there?


Yes via a DNS but you have to do a port release. Hamachi uses an IP from Hamachi, e.g.