Minecraft explosion arrow?

- in Servers

There are TnT bows and TnT arrows on different servers, which cause the arrow to explode when it has landed. Can you do that with a command, but only the arrows called TnTpfeil may explode? Lg


This is a simple plugin…


No, this is not possible with commands, but with plugins, i.e. With written code that extends the game.


I already know what plugins are


Unfortunately I have the server on Aternos and therefore can't upload plugins I wrote myself…


I can't just execute [name = Tntpfeil]

/ execute positioned as @e [{type = arrow}, {name = tntpfeil}] if entity @p [distance = .1] unless block ~ ~ -1 ~ air run summon tnt


At 12:50

a guy explains what is possible with spanned Armor Stands + TNT when touching a solid block. But I don't think that's exactly what you need. Unfortunately, he does not show in the video which command he used for this. But maybe the video will help you anyway because it shows commands in Command Blocks from time to time, or another command block expert will answer here. I don't know enough about command blocks and find it unreasonable to work with them.

I see the much more sensible alternative in that you buy a server that enables plugins - they are really not that expensive.



Tip: Host the server at Minehub…


Okay, but the server is only for friends