Minecraft server on STRATO root server?

- in Servers

I have the problem with my STRATO server that if I start more than one Minecraft server, the second one crashes immediately.

When executing the .jar file, I already specified the Java parameter -Xss256k to reduce the stack size. But it didn't help.

I have also increased the maximum number of processes per user (ulimit).

Nevertheless, the server crashes again immediately after being started by the script.

The start script is: "screen -S public java -jar spigot-1.16.4.jar"

Adding -Xmx and -Xms didn't help either.

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is running on the server.
Installed is: Java OpenJDK 11 (standard) and JDK 8, JRE 11
This server is hosted by STRATO.

Maybe someone had an idea or a similar problem.


Do you have your own port in the server config for each server? And did you choose a different name for the screen?


Yes, I did that.


Can you maybe provide the logs of the two servers?


I can make one available, but the second server doesn't even create one.

Short addition: The servers should run on bungee cord at the end.


And, if you start the 2nd instance without a screen, an error message should come up. That would be good to have.


I have now uploaded this as a picture, I was not allowed to insert any links.


Try this command:

java -server -Xmx2048M -jar spigot-1.16.4.jar


The 2 instances are also 2 completely different folders, right? Not that you try to start the same server twice, it definitely doesn't like that.


Thanks, but it still didn't work.
Now the first server doesn't even start anymore.
Bungee cord also runs in the background with 2GB RAM


Sure, the two servers are in different folders.


But now I got the error message somewhere: "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread"
I have already set the maximum number of processes per user to over 60,000 and the server has 16GB of RAM


So something is going wrong from front to back.

The server also has enough cores and RAM? This failed to start stuff usually means that too many threads are running for this process. You have to see how to fix it.

I just saw that you can do that with "TasksMax = infinity" in a systemd unit. But that would be a bit overkill.

Here is a link to it: https://www.reddit.com/...te_failed/