I have a problem Minecraft ranks tab?

- in Servers

Hello unzwar I own a good server with almost 80 users

Do I have the following problem who I'm by / rank name Rank give me a rank also works smoothly in the chat you can see the rank everything well only in the tab bar is it white so white name? Need help necessarily

Chat the ranks also work all rightsN

I have a problem Minecraft ranks tab

Do you have a corresponding plugin that changes the tablist?

This is what you need for it


So of course everything programmed by myself but until my devs are online have 4 pieces very good they are a bit older so they have to work synonymous have the server also rebooted nix hm


I'll reload the server to see how it works


Do you have any ViaVersion? If so:
Then it may be that the TabPrefix does not come in a higher client version than the server


Still have a problem it is still white: /


So where I had looked at essentials it was before add-prefix-suffix: false okay then I changed it on chest restarted see there still knows…


True *


Essentials has nothing to do with it. I assume your devs programmed the prefixes. As far as I know you can fix the ViaVersion problem with version queries in the plugins. Just ask your devs after that. Or add me on Discord (Entity303 # 2079) or Skype (endivie02) and then I could look at that too


The problem is very simple. As I see in the screenshot, there's a scoreboard enabled. I think you have installed the scoreboard and the tablist plugin individually. In most cases, the tablist will not work because the scoreboard interferes with the tablist plugin. That's quite normal and that's why there are of course solutions: Here's a plugin where tablist and scoreboard work together and work:
