Ping EasyBox WAN-IP?

- in Servers

I want to access a port on my network from outside my network.

So at the end point there's a Minecraft server (it runs on the local host and port 25565), to which I can connect to the Hamachi IPv4 and port 25565, as well as with the IPv4 from the LAN and the port. Now I have set up the "port mapping" so that port 25565 is mapped to port 25565 from my PC in the network, which has a static IP, to port 25565. I set this up once for TCP and once for UDP.

So far so good, unfortunately it doesn't work. My router's public IP doesn't seem to be reachable. I also turned on the "Allow PING on WAN interface" setting and restarted the router, but I still get a "request timed out." when I ping the IP.

Does anyone have any suggestions how I can reach the port?

I also tried this exposed host function and it didn't work either. I also have an EasyBox 904 xDSL.


You should be hanging in a subnet of your internet provider.
This happens when ISPs run a DS-Lite.
By the way: you can't reach an IP address. The port has nothing to do with it.

Oh yes - here is the solution to the problem:


Many thanks for the answer. Do exactly what I was looking for.


Nice to hear that it works.