I have downloaded Essentials on my server and now want to set the rights for the colors.
Premium should only be able to write in color, not thick, not underlined, only in color.
However, I can't find the permission or can't tabby. This permission doesn't exist somehow?
The only thing that can be tabbed is .ignoreexempt
For chat and nickname
Is that also for the chat?
That's where .allowunsafe comes out.
And only essentials.color?
do you have any other plugins that could block this?
No. I've added a picture above. There you can see my plugins.
In the essentials config there's approx. In line 336 "enabled signs" (but has nothing to do with signs), in front of "color" there's a diamond, remove this. In your permissions then essentials.chat.color. With it you can write in color in the chat.
Unfortunately that doesn't work. I removed the #, but nothing has changed.
Did you also enter the authorization for the player in your permission plugin?
I can't tabbed and nowhere to find the permission.
Tabbing? Permissions can't be tabbed, only the commands. To write in color on signs: essentials.sign.color for chat: essentials.chat.color
You can find more permissions here: https://essentialsx.net/wiki/Improvements.html
Google is your friend!
Yes, I tabben my permissions.