Minecraft modpack problems with the gpu?

- in Skins

Beautiful nice day

As stated above, I have a problem with the Minecraft modpack SevTech Ages. I start it completely normal etc last version in the title screen all right, first when I want to connect to my server or open a single player game it skin my GPU directly to 100%. I played the modpack recently until everything was loose flaky. I did virus scan without success have taken out individual mods without success all drivers are up-to-date as well as java too. Other modpacks (which have more mods) are all great and even with Black ops 4 the load on my gpu (in the game) is just 70% but in lade screens 100%.

I know Minecraft is not the best developed game and it runs on Java but it must have a reason that it suddenly my gpu on 100% skin and then I have perma only 1 Fps what I do not really understand from my point of view everything tried something is synonymous the core temp in the game are max 42-55 and that's quite normal. Hope I can possibly help jmd. I pack my system under it again

AMD Ryzen 5 1600X six core with 3.60 GHz

16 GB of RAM

64 bit system and have ne RedDevil Radeon Rx 580 installed


ps: yes i have given Minecraft more memory 10gb


No one has an idea? ^^


Is the log file conspicuous?

Do you have many animals in your environment on the server? Items…

Disable the item tool which helps to crafting - NEI, JEI…


So nothing unusual conspicuous I played the pack a few months ago as everything was synonymous older version tested that was not synonymous directly ingame 100% gpu and 1fps would understand if the pc works what he does with black ops 4 but not even the fan my graka goes on and the core temp is also quite normal. Have it just tried with Optifine and low graphics settings has also brought nothing the mod better foilage the often probs synonymous raus genomme without success. Animals were not there in the vicinity have also created two new worlds without success. The funny thing about my wife is all wonderful although her pc system etc not approach as good as mine. Thought maybe it is due to the vlt world type k.a I do not know more must yes to a mod may be


Also the Jvm.Argumente I adapted without success --Xmx8072m - Xms256m - XX: PermSize = 256m -Dminecraft.applet.TargetDirectory = "C: \ Users \ ***** \ Documents \ Curse \ Minecraft \ Instances \ SevTech Ages -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies = true -Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates = true -Duser.language = en -Duser.country = US


Could it possibly be due to the new Forge?


I've got you two screenshots I've just started with 5gb assignment and is the same prob


Gpu when running


What if you reinstall the modpack? Maybe there was an error in a config file?


I have already done that 3 times ^^


Can you upload the logfile to https://hastebin.com/...stebin.com?