How do I download resource packs for Minecraft?


As the title says, I would like to download a resource pack.

You have to extract the zip file and put it in a folder. In which folder does it have to be and how do I find it?



you download the tp, open this search field with win key and r then you enter:% appdata% go to the folder, search for .minecraft go there and then look for the ressourcepacks folder in minecraft there you drag the file by the way you do not always extract you open the file if there's a folder in there that is called like the tp you have to unzip if there's only assets and so it says then just drag the zip file in there


Windows key + R.
Enter and run:% appdata%
Open the ".minecraft" folder.
Include at resource packs.


You then have to press the Windows key and R and then a window opens at the bottom left where you enter% appdata% and then press Enter. Then click on the .minecraft folder, which in turn contains the recourcepacks folder where you can copy the texturepack into it.


The zip file does not have to be extracted, just put in the folder as it is.

You can find the folder in the start menu under Options -> Resource packages… -> Open package folder.


How to insert the resource packs: You press Windows & R together then you enter% appdata% and search for .minecraft then you click on the folder double click on it and go to Resource pack and insert the resource pack by clicking the file of downloads with the left mouse button pressed and the resource pack ordener purely. To make it easier, you drag the file onto your desktop and click on the folder so that it appears in front of the other folder so that it is not behind the other folder but in front of the other folder then drag the file from the desktop into the Resource Packs folder and closes everything also Minecraft and resets if you had minecraft open then you go in Minecraft on options then on resource packs or texture packs depending on what is there and take the resource pack in the right field in which you are on the resource pack so on sign on the you then click on Done and then it lags for a moment and then it can already start xDD.