Unity 3D chunks. How does it work?


I don't know how to program an infinite map (or chunks). (C # / Unity 3D)

I also watched YouTube but that's mostly just reprogramming Minecraft in Unity or something. So I ask you:

How do you program chunks with this Perlin noise script ().

(Please write the whole script for the chunks and whether I still have to do something, e.g. Add a component or something)


First about Perlin noise: Perlin noise is already pre-implemented in Unity. All you have to do is call it up. It generates a map that looks similar to a primitive Minecraft map. Something like this: (each color stands for a certain value between 0 and 1. You can have this returned to you by the Perlinnoise function and then use it as the height for blocks (in minecraft), for example)

Unity 3D chunks. How does it work

And about the chunks:

It all depends on which game you want to play. THE universal script for chunks does not exist. Also, you can't just write a CHUNK script. You just have to build your whole game modularly so that it can be summarized in these chunks

And sorry for the late reply XD