Is it possible to join a friend via realms who is playing on a ps4 even though you have the Java Edition?
No it is not.
No because the PS 4 version is the Bedrock Edition (the stripped down one with the bad multiplayer and so on)
Yes, if you create a Java Bedrock server
but not through realms
Except for the server selection, Bedrock has exactly the same multiplayer as Java…
Not all of the servers are different, it has less performance and is simply bad for multiplayer
Multiplayer works very well for me, it's more fun than Java
There are no split servers that is technically not even possible because there are different programming languages and different mechanics
No, all the good servers don't exist, and Bedrock is the slimmed-down version that costs more
But that works, on this server / with this program you can join with Java and Bedrock
Bedrock has mash ups for this, it is easier to get extensions, etc.
This is 90 percent scam, too, it doesn't work
And everything costs more, you have to pay for everything, the skins, the texture packs, there are no shaders and no mods
Read this through here
No between the PS4 and the PC it would be almost impossible because e.g. With the PS4 the map is only one map but with the PC it is unlimited. For many other reasons, such a crossplay is very unlikely. You can e.g. Join the PC server but on the PS4 you can only play small mini-games online but only with other people who use a PS4. In short, with so many differences, it would be almost impossible to create a crossplay between them.
However, this is wrong. Source? The maps are limited in both versions to about 6 trillion blocks
But it works, I've already tried it myself…
No, with Java the map is infinite
Ok and you are sure that it is not a scam?
No, it is limited to 6 trillion blocks and there's a world border 😑
Guys is good now xD
Yes as you mean xD