PC which graphics card?


I thought for a long time, I discovered the RX 570 8gb for 150 euro in the media market a month ago, but unfortunately this is no longer available.

They also have the 580 8gb for 190 euro, should I buy them or do you still have suggestions? I do not know if I can order from Mindfactory, but if necessary I could do it, but the media market would be better, because there's one nearby.

Here is my PC:

PC which graphics card

I have a 300 watt power supply, but I will still buy a pure Power 11 500 watts, is not the processor worth an 8gb video card, or would that be wasteful?

First of all, I just want to play Minecraft, gta 5 and fortnite, which of course can change over time


Which CPU do you have exactly? I5 second generation with 3GHz, I know only the 2320th

It's still relatively good, you can still use it for the games you mentioned.

580 is fine if you do not want to spend 220 on a 1660.


Exactly I do not know, the 1660 is much better, 30 euro more would not be bad, if it's worth it, and I gta 5 play well, maybe even with mods?


Is much better, also consumes less power.


Oh, could you buy the PC after all? ^^

I doubt once that you can easily swap the power supply. That would only work if the built-in power supply is an ATX power supply, which I do not go out. Of course, I can be wrong.

Anyway, if you do not have to upgrade now, I would wait a bit. Probably this month the GTX 1650 will be presented. That should then be so on RX 570 level, but at 75W power consumption, which means that it needs no additional power connection and you therefore need not swap the power supply synonymous.


That would be great, will also have at least 6 gb and be cheap? So max. 200 euro?


It will definitely get only 4GB. In terms of price, it will be a good deal below the 1660, I'll go by around 150 euro.


But 4GB are enough, right?


In the entry-level class yes.


That means it will not have the best quality and only work with older games, well that would be enough.

DrBlub says that a new PC would be better, because a graphics card on my PC would be pointless, right? I'm very confused


The Ryzen 5 2400G now does not bring you the blatant extra performance over yours that it would be worth the 300 euro. If upgrading, then right, say at least Ryzen 5 2600 or alternatively an i5-9400F and especially 16GB RAM.

Which I do not want to say that his setup is there bad. It pays to buy a PC for the first time, or something old with AMD Phenom or something. You already have a usable PC, in your situation it would simply not be a useful upgrade.


In the ne 1650 part, when she is out there having fun. For a noticeable upgrade then had to put NEN 1000 on the table.


I just wonder if that would be worthwhile over time, or whether a new PC would be better, a good PC really costs so much, even if you want to build or buy second hand?


As I said, to get from your i5 and a hypothetical GTX 1650 a really noticeable upgrade, you would have to lie down at least 1000 euro, new purchase and DIY. Whether second-hand purchase is worthwhile, you have to decide for yourself. A noticeable upgrade would be anything in the direction of Ryzen 5 2600 + Vega 64.

I do not quite understand what you mean by "worthwhile with time".


For the future, when gta 6 comes out, and I'm so excited about the PC, I'll want to play it as well, but it will not work because the pc will not make it.

I have to look, I play anyway gta 5 on the xbox one, I will collect 1000 euro before gta 6 also, I guess a DIY would be best, or with good luck a used


By the time this comes out, it's probably 2023 and everything you could buy now outdated. If you prefer to fit GTA 6 then buy a PC.


Can that change so much in 4 years, even if I buy a good PC now?

The processor will not change much, right? I appreciate more the graphics cards. But then you can still upgrade. Until I have enough money by 2020, then I can save money and put away for a new graphics card


Yes. Four years ago, the equivalent of the Vega 64 / RTX 2070 was a GTX 970, which ranged between 30 and 45 FPS in the current graphics benchmarks a la AC Odyssey, Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Metro Exodus.

The processor will also do something neat, AMD and Intel bring out new architectures and at least at Intel you will definitely not be able to pack on the motherboards that you can buy today. By 2023, even DDR5 should be in the mainstream.


By configuring a PC well, you can now easily bridge the span of a console generation outside. In the past, a PC was actually so outdated after three years that you could almost only throw it away.


So if you've got all the new processors, video cards, etc. Built in, can that last longer, did I finally get it now, or will I never understand it?


Of course it can last longer. My processor is, for example, from 2011 and in many situations better than the top CPU from 1-2 years ago.

The graphics cards look a bit different, because there has been a lot of development lately. The top model from 2011 today would be an ultra lame crutch.


So processors last longer than graphics card, so theoretically you could build a good enough one. If I have enough money, maybe 2020-2021, I could build one that will last until 2023.

What do you say? Or looking for a good gaming PC could also be cheaper.

Since I'm currently playing at xbox one anyway, a gaming PC NOW would be of no use, to be honest.

For the future, a PC would be better.


You could do that.


Better proposal?

Which parts do I need then all, which are currently the best and what is the fun?

And is a YouTube tutorial sufficient as a construction manual?


I could not have a better one. You do not need performance right now, so do not waste money. If you want to play on the PC, but nothing blatant, then wait for the GTX 1650 and build it there. If you need the power then later and v.a. The money is there, then buy everything again.

Yes, YouTube is enough.


I'll see, what will cost about a new PC (new or home-made) about?

I estimate 2000 euro + built and 5000 euro + in the store

Gta 6 comes in 3-4 years, whether it will be the same for the xbox one? There are rumors about the new xbox, would be stupid if gta 6 will only give it


With 1000-1500 euro you are always very well served. Probably next year will be the new XBox and PS5, at least I think so.


Probably nothing with the xbox one, do you mean now 1000-1500 euro for homemade or even new? (I guess you mean DIY but I'd better ask)


I always mean homemade. ^^


It was clear πŸ˜‚ … Thanks for the many tips, in 4 years… Hopefully


A very solid card is a 1060


Do you know when the 1650 comes out? Is there something new about it? Would be glad if you write me as soon as what is known, here.



Well look at one, Media Markt has again the RX 570 8gb for 150 euro

Mindfactory also has that, with the power adapter it would cost 200 euro

I already have 150 euro should I save another 50 euro for the RX 570 8gb and the power adapter, or should I take the 1650 gtx with 4gb?

Is there between 4 and 8 gb differences, 8gb would be better or?


You can also use the Pure Power in the 400W version, which is enough for the RX 570 anyway.

But this is as I said only if this PC has a standard ATX power supply and not one with funny manufacturer's own connections. You should definitely clarify that again before.


Am I checking that now, where / how do I recognize that?


Take a picture of your motherboard and upload it somewhere, write the link here and I can tell you that.


Where exactly the motherboard, just take a photo or do you need a certain part?


The whole motherboard.


Habs sent here as an answer, for me it is at the bottom


This is normal ATX standard, you can swap the power supply easily.


Hurray πŸ˜‚ I'm glad, should I do so at Mindfactory, with the 400 watt PSU, or maybe 600?

is it easy to dive around and does the graphics card fit in at all? Where do I have to put down the graphics card?


400W is enough.

The card comes in the long, blue connection there. For this you have to open the back of the case according to the two upper panels. How exactly is, you'll find out already.


Thanks, I hope I can play GTA 5 and so on

With some mods but it will definitely crash


I just see the RX 570 8gb are several times with different prices, that's the cheapest


Should I take the better ones, is there any quality or difference?

There are also many others, if you have time I would be glad if you choose one, max. 160 euro would be perfect, can be 10 euro more, if it is good. Or is there no difference (except maybe the size)?

Or is there perhaps even better graphics cards for the price?



What do you think about? Sounds to me nonsense with sauce


Yes, it is.

The ASRock I would not necessarily take, has only one year warranty.


Is warranty important for "graphics cards"? Which one would you recommend?

Maybe there's better for the price, you are the expert



The Sapphire is pretty good.


Which do you mean


Thank you, still 50 euro and I can buy that with the 400 watt power adapter πŸ˜πŸ˜‚