Recipe book shortcut in Minecraft?


The situation: I come from a village with 1.5 stacks of hay bales and want to craft them into bread.

My question: I saw in a BastiGHG video that for some reason it somehow manages to automatically refill the items to be crafted when clicking on the end product of the crafting process has to choose it once and then can "fill up" the workbench again and again with a certain key combination. Well: what is this keyboard shortcut?


I don't know exactly what you mean, could you send the clip you mean?


Unfortunately not, because if I could find him, the problem would have been solved… But I'll try again: Imagine you have 6 stacks of wheat and want to convert them into bread. You could now Shift + click twice on the bread recipe in the book, or, it seems to work, call up the recipe once and then remove the bread from the crafting table with a certain combination of buttons so that the rest of the wheat is placed in the crafting field and will be crafted again… But I'll look for a similar clip

Or, for example, when trading with Villagern, where e.g. New emeralds are automatically placed in the slot so that you can continue trading


I found something:


Possibly Does he have a mod or something similar that does this for him


I mean, however, that I explicitly heard the ShortCut in a video from another YouTuber…


Then watch the video again where you explicitly heard it. Possibly Do you hear something that you didn't notice the first time? Or search for it on Google or on MC sites


I have already researched, but I don't have a suitable keyword or results, and I can't remember the video…


OK. I watch all of the videos in question again.


Move the mouse to the output field and press the Enter key.