Minecarts disappear in Minecraft?


I got my Minecraft on my phone and built myself a Minecard stuck in the material from the bottom of hell to transport high in my house.

My problem is that with me again and again the lorries disappear.

Can someone help me?


If you tap, they disappear


You can't carry Loren from the Nether to the Overworld with rails. Maybe I can give you another solution if you say what you need to transport the Loren from the Nether to the Overworld.


I do not want to transport her from nerher to the outer world.

My problem is that I built in the upper world a lane from height 11 to height 70 there I seemed and loren I have only the problem that they disappear


Maybe not all the rails are connected or they are so connected that the lorries gather at some point or the lorries stay on the track