Search games with Worldeditor?

- in Worlds

I'm currently looking for games where you can basically let your creativity run free. As an example, I'll give you the Sims 4 build mode.
I had a construction simulator before, but it was so full of subtleties (i.e. With size / angle etc.) that it was no longer fun.
If possible, no Minecraft-like games and if possible no survival stories either.
Simply where you can make something more or less simple and have to manage less.
At Planet Zoo you have to consider so many things that for me it was more of a game about managing a zoo and less about building it. I liked Zoo Tycoon 2 more, it was quite simple but very pleasant to play.


So a game that has a great "world editor" is Minecraft. You don't have to manage anything and you can do what you want.