No monsters spawn Minecraft?

- in Worlds

I'm on a normal Minecraft world (Modern Skyblock 3) but there are no monsters spawning in my 2 block high mob farm, which I also made in a place without a blanket. Could it be because of the biome? Biome: Flower Forest

Thank you for the answers

PS: something spawns on the bully farm.


Illuminates all areas where nothing should spawn, increases the yield if something is supposed to spawn. Monsters can't spawn too far and not too close to you.

Did you build the bottom of the mop arm from steps, stairs, glass or leaves? Monsters can't spawn on any of these blocks.


Floor: wood

Nothing else can spawn because everything is made of half steps.

There's a mod that you can use on F7 to see if mobs can spawn from the light level. This works out. Do you have any more tips?


Can you upload a photo of the farm? Vlt I see something, otherwise take boards or something as floor and put your roof higher, actually what should spawns…


How do you do that? 😬