Why does my Minecraft server keep crashing?

- in Worlds

Hi, I run a Magma Minecraft server on 1.12.2 with Forge Mods and Bukkit / Spigot plugins. When I played on my server it closed because the storage space on my server was full. So I downloaded the backups and deleted them on the server. After that, however, the server closed again and again when I tried to join it. I discovered an excerpt from the latest.log, where you can see that the server starts all mods first and then closes them again after a few lines. Unfortunately I don't know what these lines mean.

Here is the extract from the latest.logs:

Sent event FMLServerStartedEvent to mod betteranimalsplus [09:46:37] [Server thread / DEBUG] [FML]: Bar Step: ServerStarted - Better Animals Plus took 0.000s [09:46:37] [Server thread / DEBUG] [FML] : Bar Finished: ServerStarted took 0.006s [09:46:37] [Server thread / INFO] [Minecraft]: Timings Reset [09:46:38] [Server thread / INFO] [coroutil]: CoroUtil being reinitialized [09: 51:38] [Server thread / DEBUG] [FML]: Gathering id map for writing to world save world [09:55:21] [Server thread / INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer]: Stopping the server [09:55:21] [Server thread / TRACE] [FML]: Sending event FMLServerStoppingEvent to mod minecraft

If that helps, I can also show other log entries.


As far as I can see this is a normal shutdown. No mistake or anything else.


The problem is that it closes by itself when I join.


I already understood. According to the logs, this is not an error in the sense that the server crashes, but the normal shutdown procedure is initiated. So take a look at the normal settings, maybe something went wrong. I can't say much about it because I have no idea about Minecraft, just about IT in general.


I added a picture afterwards where I was told that an existing connection from the host computer was broken.


Yes, this is the consequence when the server goes down. Unfortunately, this is not an additional indication


Hi, I'm almost certain that it is due to the RAM and you just hate too little, I also had the problem and where I switched to more it worked


No, I don't think it's the RAM because I've never seen that the RAM requirement has skyrocketed. However, there could be something to it, because I had a similar problem before and when I (out of desperation) left it for a few days (where I couldn't join the server either), I tried again in a few days and there suddenly everything worked normally. So I thought that the server would take a long time to start. Do you think that is possible


Please upload the complete log to hstebin.com.


Actually not there, if you look into the console, you can see whether everything is loaded, the most important things are loaded directly, it could also be that it is because of where you are, you were trying to delete your data from the world folder, you lose But otherwise please send all items because you can paste the latest from your logs on pastebin.


The mods that you have are not compatible with each other, so your server closes. I assume that you make a mod list otherwise I only see the betteranimalsplus preparing problems or trying to see from the console what could cause problems. Maybe you can also say which mods that are then we could help more.


But before that I played with the mods and everything worked.


On your private world or server?


On the same server.


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