Free Minecraft hoster? - 2

- in Worlds

Are there free Forge servers that run through a hoster?

We need around 8GB of RAM because we have an already built world with a lot of mods, there are two of us, we can't run a server with this map on our PCs, because the RAM and capacity of our PCs are generally insufficient. (So need something external)

And we can't afford to rent a server again (no matter how "cheap" it may be.)

Aternos doesn't support Forge and performance is poor, so this isn't an option either.

Are there any other free alternatives that fix our problem?

(Please only serious and helpful answers.) ☺️


No, certainly not 8GB


How can you be sure of that?


Do you think who gives you a server with 8GB?


Who knows? No reason to write such an unfriendly answer?


Wasn't unfriendly either, it's extremely unrealistic because you have to expect such answers.


Your requirements can't be met in this way. Because no one voluntarily offers free servers with 8 GB of RAM. Is already quite a lot, even for a modded server.

And even if someone offered it, the places would be gone very quickly, because you're not the only one waiting for such opportunities.


Is it already common practice to be disrespectful when you think the question is unrealistic?


You are the only one who is disrespectful.