SeedCracking Protection for MC Server?

- in Worlds

I have a Minecraft SMP server and there are always users who crack our seed via SeedCracker or similar and then bypass our Anti X-Ray to mine slides.

The whole thing is pretty difficult to fix in itself, but are there perhaps World Generator plugins that Quasi just don't use a seed at all? Then you could simply bypass seeds and thus make cracking impossible.

Does anyone have any experience?


So people like that are always banished and permanently without the possibility of banishment. That is the best solution


Set online mode to True and ban people without the possibility of unbanning.

Otherwise you can try this:


From a technical point of view, I can tell you that does not work, if no seed is specified explicitly, a random one is generated. Unfortunately, you can't do more than ban users.

Mfg Jannick (L1nd)


You need a plugin that has its own ore spawn mechanism.

Then the ores would be seed independent

maybe something?


I think the plugin is only for Skyblock Server (for Cobblestone Generators)



There are definitely plugins that change ore spawning. I had one like this recently to reduce the diamond probability on a server in a world.

In theory, you can write something yourself, you just hook yourself into the chunk generation with an event handler, overwrite your ores with your own algorithm.