Create Minecraft Citybuild Server? - 1

- in Worlds

I'm currently building a Minecraft Spigot 1.14.4 server.

The main principle of the server is "Advanced Survival". I don't just want to add mini-games and other game modes as extras, I also heard about "Citybuild".

Please don't blame me, but I'm not the type who often plays on servers, but rather the type who focuses on "building beautiful" and does the server itself.

Of course, this leads to the fact that I have no idea what Citybuild actually is (yes, I know, it's funny that I have no idea). Apparently it's about coins (so Vault is needed) and you can earn them with jobs. You can claim plots and build something nice (Whatever the reason, it makes no sense, there's definitely a reason for). You get materials from other worlds (e.g. Farm world).

Correct me if I misunderstood something (I most likely did).

But I still don't know how to make such a city build server.

So my real question is: How do I make such a server and what kind of plugins do I need for it (or which one would you recommend to me)? How can I automatically generate such a world with plots? And the biggest problem is that this is the actual server in 1.14.4, but most plugins are only for e.g. B. 1.12. How can I make 1.12 plugins work anyway (the other servers also manage that you can join with different versions)? And you should also be able to access the whole thing from a 1.14.4 server.

Even if you only know the answer to one question, please give it to me. I know I've seen a lot of questions, so I'm happy to have an answer.


As a plot system I would definitely recommend plotsquared, with the other plugins (jobs, coins, etc) there's a relatively large selection, where you can then simply choose the plugins that appeal to you the most.

To be able to join with different versions you need ViaVersion or ViaBackwards.


For the plots: PlotSquared

Money, teleport, spawn etc.: essentials

For multiple worlds: Multiverse Core

You should still find out the availability of the plugins in higher versions.

Unfortunately you can't set it so that with z. B. 1.12 comes to 1.14, but only the other way round. And then you only have the option to use the features from 1.12.