I decided to buy a home server for my Minecraft server. But I saw that most home servers don't have more than 2GB ram and that's not enough for my Minecraft server. My Minecraft server is a bungeecord system with 6 sub-servers and 750 slots. Around 20 plugins are installed on each server. I wanted to know where to buy a good home server where my Minecraft server can run on it. The server should also be upgradeable. I would also like to make a website. There are a total of 25 multiverse worlds on the server.
PS: please answer quickly.
So you want to put a server in your room on which it all runs?
If you have the money, feel free to do it. The only problem is usually the internet connection, i.e. The upload or download rate, but some providers do not allow a server at home that receives and sends any data all the time (however they want to prove it)
Here e.g. A rack server from IBM with 24GB Ram:
Are you sure that 24 gb is enough.