Minecraft] Which citybuild system is better?

- in Worlds

We'd like to offer a slightly more unique city build that stands out from the typical chessboard-holding city builds. There are the following approaches:

A modular city build that extends the city through randomly selected modules (Custom World Generator)
A dynamic city build that relies on an already-generated city and loads the plot into an empty seat when the player joins or vacates it again for other players when they leave the game.

The second option has the advantage that the current neighbor is definitely online and that is generally more busy in the city. But it also has the disadvantage that one always has its plot in different places, as the case may be.

Which approach would you prefer?


A citybuild based on towns and factions.


I would say that your "dynamic" system is not dynamic. A really dynamic one would not only need a custom world generator, but also a plugin that allows players to choose areas FREE. So they just run a kilometer in one direction, then say "I want a plot, which is exactly from here to exactly here" and the plugin does that. What I personally think I think is most beautiful. The other two restrict players already a lot.


First of all thanks for your suggestion. I think it's interesting that you want almost the opposite effect. This equalizes the players on possibly several smaller cities, if at all correct cities form.


Dynamically sounds good, is really something new, I can't stand the other "methods"…

It restricts, but I have never seen this method on a server, for me it would be something new and innovative even if you can't say dynamically…


I think for your interests the plugin Towny should be used.

http://towny.palmergames.com/ so the player can populate an area himself and create groups

Prefix system? sp spleenPerch
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