Is it possible, and how long does it take to program such a GAME?

- in Worlds

It should be a mix of GTA and MineCraft, and have more interaction than the newly released game "Red Dead Redemption" with the same variety.

The landscape (eg hills) should have a pure flowing surface, even when digging holes or degrading soil (as in MineCraft) [-> See picture].

The "world" should regenerate every time the game starts, i. Villages, trees, landscapes, etc. Are always changed, or are in other places as usual, so you have to find new attractions / hiding places. (Just like in MineCraft, there the world is also regenerating).

How long does it take to program something like that?

(You do not have to read the next section, but I'll go into the game experience more specifically).

In the game, there are humans, zombies, etc. That can become mercenaries, women you can sleep with, babies born, digging underground, you need oxygen, the atmosphere should be as secretive as found in DayRSurvival or RPG's You can only open it if you solve certain puzzles (arithmetical problems, etc.), everything as realistic as possible in real life.

The coronation, if possible, would still be a frame with VR glasses (in real life) where you can really move around and engage in interactions that are then taken on in the game. (There's something, but I forgot the name).

Could I become a millionaire through something like that?


It depends a little on how many people work on the project and how experienced they are. It also determines how much money that would cost. The more money you put in, the more well qualified people can work there.

If you pump in there a few million. Could this project be finished in a few years? And yes, the game (if it gets through the press good reviews) would also bring in several million euro.


Alone? Forget it! Look for highly qualified employees (around 600-800 people) and then go. Then take 5-6 years to complete the game!


If you could do it, you would probably become a millionaire.

The problem is on the one hand the skills and on the other hand: time.

Most projects fail because of the time problem. If you have a good idea now, choose Unity3D for programming and then need 5 years (which would be utopian as a single person with programming skills and your needs), there's something better on the market.

There are development teams today. Not only to narrow down the tasks into areas of competence but also to reduce the development time.

So if a project needs 10 working years, you have 10 workers to finish in a year.