Is it worth saving longer for WQHD / 240Hz?

- in Worlds

Moin Leudeee,

I have put together a setup and now I want to save on it. But now I have spare capacity in the overall budget and had the idea to use a better monitor. I currently want to buy a FHD 144Hz monitor and can't decide now whether I should pay WQHD 144Hz, FHD 240Hz or elsewhere more.

I play Minecraft, Forza Horizon 4 and other open world games, but I would also like to play shooters.

What should I do, save longer for WQHD 144Hz or save longer for FHD 240Hz? I currently have a 60Hz TN monitor


240 Hz is really really unnecessary. Not even needed in competitive league games.

Since you don't do that, I would take the future-proof one.

Full HD is now very old and is increasingly being replaced. The future is just higher resolutions and it looks much better. Since you probably never play at ESL tournaments for millions of euro in prize money anyway, I would rather go to the better and future-proof resolution than to outdated Full HD with high frame rates that you will never really need.


The difference from 60hz → 144hz is much bigger than 144hz → 240hz. In addition, open-world games look much nicer in WQHD, provided you have a good GPU. I would take an MSI Optik WQHD 165hz monitor if you have 340 money.


Well, that can be useful in CSGO.


Couldn't you take a cheaper 144Hz screen?


A two hundred and fortyth of a second?

Compared to 1/144 of a tenth?

No, never, a person can't react that quickly and the ping and input made you more likely to put a spanner in the works than that.


At 240hz you will probably not notice the difference to 144hz anyway.
I would advise you to use the WQHD 144hz monitor (I also have one and I'm extremely satisfied with it)


That is WQHD 165hz and still curved. 144hz is also available for 280 euro.


If curved is not important to you, then it will.


But you notice a slight difference between 144hz and 240hz, which may bring some advantage to some players


From my own experience I can tell you: no, I don't and nobody I know who has played professionally. But you can also imagine something.

It is more like comparing horsepower in cars, one says he has 120, the other says he has 125. Only the 5 horsepower are of no use and are not really noticeable.


Have wqhd with only 120hz but is only recommended… From 144 to 240 is almost no difference visible.

For example, mine would be:


It is too expensive and has a budget range of more than 300 euro


Yes 144hz should be or at least 120hz. And please hit full hd out of your head, believe me you won't be happy with it.

I would save a little more and take a little something in my hand for a good monitor.

Do you want VA, TN or Ips panel?


Va or Ips, I don't care in between


So I've already tried 240hz with a friend and you can tell the difference when you're used to a 144hz monitor.


Yes, if the friend has talked you into 5 hours beforehand and wants to tell you how great it is. In reality, he probably just had the better hardware with shorter frame times and generally different settings and color rendering, which in the overall picture looks a lot more brilliant.


At ips, 300 won't do for you. I recommend you to save and take at least 500 in hand. However, this is also a matter of taste. The best thing to do is go to an electronics store, take a look at the different resolutions and repetition frequencies on site and get advice.

Just don't get a 4k at 144hz or so.

As I said, my recommendation is about 3440x1440 or a number smaller, about 2K and 144hz. VA or Ips panel


Is the not good? Because it would fit the budget


Yes, it is really good for the price.

However, I personally am a fan of g-sync


There's no difference to Free-Sync, the Nvidia GPUs support that too


Do yes, there's still a difference

Is already 5 years old but have a look


Oh come on, don't talk nonsense to people. Every technology youtuber who has already dealt with the topic says that you notice a difference. The difference is not that big, but it is there. You can also set the graphics settings from 144 to 240hz and then it remains the same.


Um, my statement is based on technology Youtubers. But serious and own experience.


And where are your sources that say there's no difference?


Your sources say the same as me. The difference is so minimal that it is irrelevant. So thank you for confirming me yourself.


And on top of that none of you will need kiddies because none of you are good enough anyway and will ever be able to play anything professionally at the international league level. Therefore, completely obsolete anyway.


Ah well my sources say exactly what you meant in your original comment "Not even needed in competitive league games." And that a person can't react so quickly, etc.

You just turn and turn everything as you would like it to be.

But reinforce your own arguments by stamping the others as "kiddies", but have no idea who you are talking to. There are stupid people everywhere…


You also can't react so quickly.

Take a look at the test from Linus Tech Tips, they measured the times with the Slow Mo Guys that make up the best possible case. It's a difference, but it's so minimal and irrelevant that, as I said earlier, ping and input lag play a bigger role, as does your own response time. You don't need it, just like you don't.

Who am I talking to? Certainly not with a league professional, that's for sure. Yes, there are stupid people who say "you don't know who you are talking to". Embarrassing, there are so many league players who hang around here and also tell such rubbish because they feel injured in the ego. Simply embarrassing.


I was legendary about proving that there was a difference in what your statements denied. No matter whether e-athletes or not.

It was clear to me that the difference was small, but you said that you didn't notice it. You just have to take a closer look, nothing more…

In addition, I didn't feel offended, just found it ridiculous that people always have to resort to such insults when they don't know what to do.

Hope it has cleared up now.


You don't notice that in the blind test either. That is a fact. You can measure it, nothing more.


This is V-Sync not Free-Sync