Good PC Game for me?

- in Worlds

Hi I've been looking for a new PC game for some time.

I'm a big openworldgame fan. Gta V has been around for a while and now it gets boring with time. I really like story games too. Minecraft is also boring. Please write me some good games


Metro Exodus, Fallout 4


If you want good story and open world with a lot of varied content, definitely Witcher 3, even the DLCs are very good.


Best openworld games are m.m.n.

Gothic 1 + 2 - is of course ancient, but still works today. (Control takes some getting used to) - dirt cheap.

Read Dead Redemption 2 - although I would not recommend it on the PC until the 2-3 patches have been made, some still can't play, others have bugs or similar.

Witcher 3 - unbeaten so far for me - Read Dead is but strong competitors - as long as it runs clean. But Witcher clearly has a better story and more conversation options - more roleplaying options. Read dead has the even more detailed world.

Starting Dark Souls (best with Part 3) is also a game worth playing. You just have to take the hurdle at the beginning and get involved, then it is not difficult anymore.

Metro Exodus - story technically not as good as its predecessors, which is due to the mini open worlds - m.M.n. At least - is still a great game.

That would be in the open-world / semi-open world area so my suggestions.

Bethesda in general - Fallout 4, Skyrim etc. Pp. I still recommend as a bonus because I know that many like it, I think the games without mods but for incredibly bad and boring.