Use old GPU (graphics card) with new components?


I've been thinking about building a new PC in the next few months because my old PC is too weak and the new games no longer work. Now I wanted to build a new PC and am now wondering whether my old graphics card can still be used (temporarily) (Gt 750 ti from Msi because actually my games are still running (I haven't thought about the next week CP 2077. I'm talking about Minecraft and co.) I was just wondering whether the GPU is compatible with the Msi Prestige x570 ( I appreciate every answer, thanks in advance😁


Yes you have to take a look



A 500 euro motherboard?

Yes the 750ti would run on the mainboard.


I find it questionable why a 500 euro GAMING mainboard should be combined with a gtx 750ti. Would work, compatibility depends on the cpu.