Indestructible wheat in minecraft


I'm currently building a map in Minecraft, but I wonder how I do

get indestructible wheat that can't be broken by players.

Adventure mode does not help.

In Minecraft version 1.15.2


Which version?


Version 1.15.2


You either have to do this with a plugin or you have to put the wheat on earth or another block other than farmland.

For the second point, I could quickly create a datapack that works both in the multi and in the single player.


Ok thanks… Will build it with something other than farmland


Do you also know how they get the wheat planted afterwards?


So far I'm already, thanks xD


Put the command (/ setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft: wheat [age = 7] replace) in a command block that is set to repeat and always activated. Where the "~ ~ ~" is, you can enter the coordinates and, depending on the age, how far the wheat (or other blocks) should have grown. You can get a command block with the command / give @s minecraft: command_block.

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