Minecraft: Shader | FPS?


Optifine shows you the FPS.

This info is structured as follows:

Average FPS / Lowest FPS

Normal without shaders for me:

200/150 (about)

With shader (ESL-Shader on High):

70/40 or sometimes 70/3

Sometimes it happens that I have 0.25 seconds of mini lags.

Is this on the PC (i7 8th Gen | GTX 1050ti), or what else?

I have played completely without these mini-lags today, when I played again later, but I had it again.

Even without shaders even sometimes.

Thought it is on the wireless, but it was synonymous in the single player (as synonymous only with Shader).

What can I do?

I have consistently high FPS, but sometimes high drops.


Random access memory?


8 GB. Should I assign more?


Add more RAM to the game. (https://praxistipps.chip.de/minecraft-mehr-ram-zuweisen-so-gehts_28262

Then it would have to work.


Thanks. But play in the Crystal Launcher, do not know if this is possible, I'll see.


Have about the same problem only with more sophisticated shaders, but also have some better components. Maybe you should just not play the shader on the high settings. Try the Middle.


Unfortunately it is the same, even at ultra-low.


Then it can only be due to your graphics card, the shader or other settings. Try with another shader


Joa, no problem. But with the Crystal Launcher I can't help you, good luck.


Nah I mean not ultra-low but from ultra to low. Runs liquid but drops.


Maybe even once more often clean the pc. Maybe it can be because of that


Thanks. I will try.