Of course, you can use it to play Minecraft even at high FPS
I think i5 is a bit too bad, but it should fit
I'm using AMD Ryzen 7 and mine isn't perfect
OK thanks
You're welcome
Yes, you can play Minecraft well with it. This laptop also has a decent dedicated graphics card and no lame graphics chip. But the laptop costs significantly more than the 500 euro laptop that you just wanted to have.
Of course, if you bought a desktop PC, you'd get even more for the money. But due to the low availability of graphics cards, a ready-made PC from hardware advice or something like that is recommended here.
I5 and Ryzen 7 hardly say anything about the CPU.
Ok so a desktop pc would be more profitable
So I warned you xD
Yes, I have a similar one myself, even a little worse, and it runs smoothly.