Question about Minecraft: where can I find the end portal stones?


Where can I find the stones that I need for the portal


They arise when water flows on lava.

So you can do it yourself or go to the cave where there's lava with a bucket of water.


Can't build you can only find it in a stronghold, say search for the end and dismantle the portal. I'm sure that you need a SilkTouch pickaxe.


The stones themselves can't be found you can only find the almost complete portal to find that you put an ender pearl with once tan dust in the workbench and do end eye you will in the air and follow them


He doesn't mean an obsidian


So lost


End portal not nether portal


You can't dismantle.


What is a stronghold, where can I find the portal, what end do I have to search for, what is a silktouch pickaxe, sorry for all the questions I've only recently started playing Minecraft


Haha so stupid


Have to go




You have to find a fortress. They are arranged in circles around the spawn. Look here:


Ok so the best thing to do is watch a video but I'll answer that briefly:

The Stronghold is the place or structure that the end portal has in itself as well as boxes etc. You can find the portal by end-seeing (you build by combining end-pearls with wage dust, which in turn you get from hell if you kill a blaze and that Lohenouter continues to throw) in the air and chase them when they fly down to the same point (but never straight down).

A SilkTouch pickaxe is an enchantment for your pickaxe, with which you can mine e.g. Ore diamonds without them coming out, i.e. You get the block that is also in front of you.) If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask. Still have a lot to discover


You can't build the end portal, you have to find it. To do this, you kill as many end terms as possible, which drop end eyes. You throw the end eye into the Lugt, then it flies n pieces in a certain direction, namely in the direction of the end portal. If you have followed the direction long enough and the eye is only flying straight up, then you have reached your goal. It's probably on some high mountain. You dig into it until you come to a dungeon. In the dungeon you are often attacked by silverfish, you have to remove certain bricks for it to stop.

The final portal can be found in the dungeon. Now it's time to kill end ermen again, harvest end eyes, process with Lohe in the workbench and then insert into the individual segments of the portal.


I only read portal Haha 😂😂😂 you have to search the end portal in caves lmao