School Ipad doesn't have an app store, can't download anything?


So to my question, we have iPad classes in almost all schools in our country and they have deliberately removed the App Store so that the students don't make any nonsense, but I just want to download Minecraft to play with my siblings at home from time to time… However, I can Unfortunately, Minecraft can't be downloaded to the iPad. Are there any tricks?


Then that's how it is. You have to accept that.


That doesn't answer my question🤷🏻♂️


If the APPSTORE is not available on the devices, there will probably be a reason for it.

I assume that the device was provided by the school.

In this respect, the owner determines which functions are available and which are not.


So I paid for the iPad, I'm the owner🤷🏻♂️


Actually a cheek. Contact your school and challenge them to unlock that it is your property. That have. Since nothing to restrict or they should pay you for it. I wouldn't let this happen to me and claim the money back from the school. With the reason that it is my iPad that I paid for, where the school had no business.


Did you pay for it or leave a deposit?

If you have paid for it then you have the corresponding receipts.

However, if you then have problems with it, then my suggestion would be to contact Apple customer service.

They can then also help you competently.


Yes, yes… You asked:

are there any tricks?