Rx 570, play jerking?


I bought a new video card today, the Rx 570.

Since I have installed them jerk the games with me.

My processor is never used 100%. It is only used to 50-70%

whereas my graphics card is 100% busy but always drops to 0%.

The information I have about https://www.hardwareluxx.de/index.php/alles-ueber/msi-company-page.html Afterburner.

No single core is fully utilized.

Assassin Creed Unity ~ 17-25FPS.

Minecraft ~ 20-30FPS

Ark (tested) ~ 40-50 FPS (whimsical white)

Set up:

CPU: 2 Xeon 5355

GPU: Rx 570

Power adapter: 1000 watts from Apple

Motherboard Apple 3.1

Ram 32Gb DDR2


and no 2 cpu cores bring nothing in the single core performance is what benchamrks and workstations
and ddr2 uhh


So you mean it's up to my processor what I've bought for 7 euro?


What do you expect? The processors have less single-core performance at their clock than an AMD FX and that has little. In addition a Radeon, whose driver in combination with a lame CPU makes everything even worse.