Hi, I want to do it as mentioned above so you go to a buy button and then a "pop up" menu opens where the advantages of a rank (Minecraft) are and there's still a button where to buy now but the question is how do you do that?
Navigable. Just google it
I know I already have one but I didn't mean that
Thank you.
Ah okay. I'm sorry, read out. You mean a button and then a pop-up window opens?
No thing ^^
The server can open a book on the client. You have to research how this works. You can http://entsprechend%20programmieren the book, you enter all the advantages of the rank and add a link to your purchase page as described in the linked Minecraft Wiki article. Unfortunately I can't help more. However, your customers must definitely leave Minecraft to make the purchase because Minecraft does not contain a purchase function, which is also very intentional.
You need Javascript for this, but a link has already been sent, just take a look at it is not difficult
Normal navigation menu