Fortnite uses 100% of my CPU and only around 10 - maybe 20% GPU?


So lately my game is totally down, I just have 60 FPS with a 1050 TI GPU, Intel I 7 7700 HQ and 24 GB ram, BUT AN INTEGRATED GPU Intel R Graphics 630
Now I ran MSI Afterburner while playing and he tells me 100% CPU, 15% GPU 1050 TI and also 10 or more% GPU Intel r graphics 630.
Now have no plan of what works at all and actually I should have "constant" 60 FPS or more but that's not the case
But it is somehow only in Fortnite, Minecraft runs smoothly, Kovaaks runs smoothly.


Your CPU is too bad, if you want to take full advantage of the performance of your GPU, you need a better CPU. Take a look at how a computer works.


A CPU with an integrated GPU is usually not intended for gaming.


Many drivers throttle the graphics cards to 60 FPS to save power and thus increase the life of the graphics card.

If you have a graphics chip integrated on the mainboard and at the same time an additional card, you have to set in the BIOS what should be used.


This is because Fortnite was coded a poorly programmed game by a company that didn't develop any proper games. This problem can be fixed simply by uninstalling Fortnite and going to Steam and downloading a better game.


Well, besides, I would set up the PC again or upgrade the CPU…


It's just a laptop -.


It's just a laptop


It does not throttle, I usually have over 100 FPS in other games (even without a charging cable), but in BIOS I have to determine, only if I go in the settings and do Advanced Start, then I can't set anything there, it just shows me everything I have in my laptop.


How can you have Intel integrated graphics and a graphics card in a laptop? Plus, you can also set it up again, just download Win 10 Setup and then reinstall it, because your fast laptop is back


I set up my laptop yesterday


Nadann… Rip


XD but no idea iwi is just Fortnite?


It may also be that the game itself throttles performance. Doom3 has that e.g. Also done. But why do you mind? With the naked eye you can only see about 30 FPS anyway…


The better, your laptop tries to get you on the right track!


I notice it damn well, because it does not drop down to 30 but 10 :( and that's what annoys me, I only see that I suddenly have 100% CPU utilization and 5-15 FPS for a few seconds, that just annoys me play


Do you have a notebook?

The high CPU usage indicates a CPU limit, that's for sure.
This in turn can depend on many things:

Other processes that overload the CPU
The CPU is getting too hot
It draws too much electricity
The game uses the CPU more than the GPU

You can fix point 1 yourself by ending everything that is performing. If you have a virus (no, virus scanners are not effective protection), then you may not be able to see the process. In such a case, the "Process Explorer" tool can (does not have to) help, but it is somewhat difficult to keep track of.

Point 2 can be solved with a better air supply (also from below).

Against points 2 and 3 can also help to reduce the voltage of the CPU.
In principle, nothing breaks, but if you go too far down, the PC may crash, so don't forget to test extensively. Prime95 is great for load tests, if the CPU runs stable, then there's a good chance that it will also survive games and other things.

At point 3 it can also help to adjust the energy options in Windows (or possibly a supplied tool from the manufacturer).

There's nothing you can do about point 4.

The "Intel XTU" tool can be very helpful in general. It offers good monitoring options, especially if you want to find out the actual limit. It is also relatively easy to lower the voltage and then test it.


Ah… You should have mentioned that in your initial question…


Item 1 I have nothing open except Fortnite, virus?
Point 2 air supply is good, I even have an extra cooler
Point 3 didn't work for me?
Point 4 I haven't tested yet


So the 9900k isn't for gaming? Learned something new…


What I don't understand is the EPIC games, what is recommended and what is minimum hardware stuff for Fortnite, but that's just not true


Point 1 - a virus can always be. If the virus is hiding, this is usually noticed by the fact that the PC is 100% busy, but no process should have been.
If your game is 100% busy, it is normal.

Point 2 - old notebook? With a notebook, old thermal paste or dirt in the cooler can have very significant effects.
Otherwise, it usually helps to replace the thermal paste on the CPU and GPU with liquid metal, since it can conduct heat much better. BUT the stuff contains substances that are corrosive, so there are a few things to consider. What exactly can I roughly outline for you, provided that is an option for you.

Point 3 - what didn't work?


Ne forget that, I have an energy plan for maximum performance, so 0 energy savings