Mobile game recommendation?


Dear user,

I'm looking for a mobile game that makes many things right for me. Up until now I have always had the problem playing mobile phones for a very short time and quickly got bored. So I wanted to ask which Android (9.0) game you recommend. I'm looking for games where you can build like At Minecraft and YLands. The game should also bring something new. I accept further questions and above all suggestions.


Get a playstation game ark survival evold.

A game of unlimited possibilities very relaxed and you can capture and ride dinosaurs 😅

Is my recommendation. I've been playing with my boyfriend for 3 years. And boredom has never arisen there.


Try it with COD Mobile if you are into FPS or if you would like to visit the zombie mode.


ClashofClans, but I advise you to invest a three-digit amount in the game if you happen to not want to be expelled by everyone.


I know I have that for the xBox


Sry I'm not into shooter


Have alluded to it but no building games sry

Cyberpunk 2077? er erraticJaxon99
Recommended new hardware? ka kamilaappeal
Favorite mobile game? Sm SmokeNumberless