Why do you find Fortnite bad?


And no, please do not think now, I would be some Fortnite kid who post comments on any X-Minecraft let's player that Minecraft is bad. I just play Fortnite, and I enjoy it, but that does not mean I'm not playing Minecraft anymore. I find Minecraft even better.

To get to the point. What are the key points why Fortnite is, in your opinion, bad?

Please do not write stupid comments like, 'wail äs hald shaisse iss'' Because something is deleted from me.


I do not think it is bad overall, have tried it myself (but only because it is free). I do not like it because of the comic look, that's why you can't take a shooter seriously in my opinion. But then there's the third-person perspective, the buzz and the building, I like it more realistically.


@ Benedikt789 Then I guess you do not like Minecraft too. Is that correct?


What are the key points why Fortnite is, in your opinion, bad?

It just looks funny and the name sounds ridiculous.

Please do not write stupid comments like, 'wail äs hald shaisse iss'' Because something is deleted from me.

You can't delete that. Only report to the support.


Actually already. Have played it for some time, but then I was bored. I liked it but already good.

I also found Life is Strange really good, though cartoon look. Graphics and theme of the game just have to go together. And I just do not like a game of adult theme (shooter) missing a kids graphic.


@ Muster1 Obviously you do not like the cartoon look. And what do you think of the game, apart from the graphics.


@ Benedikt789 I would not necessarily say that cartoon graphic is childish. If you had given Fortnite a realistic graphics style, it would probably have been released only from 16 or 18. The graphic style of Fortnite does not affect the graphics of other shooters, and therefore I can't quite understand.


I find neither good nor bad, but I do not know enough about that.

But what regularly gets on my nerves are the recurring redundancy questionnaires concerning Fortnite here.

Lastly, if I'm not mistaken, the case was at least 50 times a day, asking "when do you have fortnite for android?" came… -.-


Because something is deleted from me.

Interesting… And how exactly do you want to do that? Maybe with FaNtAsIe?

But hey, let's see: "wailz echoes shaizä iss". It's your turn. ^^


@Isendrak Well… There's the function to report comments. The contributions are not 100% deleted. And since you've obviously written the sentence just for fun, I'd better not try it. Unless you really want me to try it.


In fact, you can report corresponding answers / comments. But not more.

P.S.: The probability that a reported contribution is deleted is (unfortunately) impossible to calculate, not even a plausible assessment is possible. (See, for example, also some of the most obvious troll questions, which sometimes rotten here in the "archives".)