Still can't get into multiplayer mode in Minecraft, even though my parents have now changed it in Microsoft's privacy settings?


I had the problem earlier that I couldn't get into multiplayer mode with the Minecraft Java Edition. In any case, I then chatted with a Microsoft account manager and he had told me that my parents had to activate this first because they had set up a family account.
My dad activated it earlier so that I can now go into multiplayer mode (see picture), but that was 2 hours ago and the multiplayer button in Minecraft is still grayed out, where it says that the settings should be changed. But it is 100% sure that he has saved the settings.

Now the real question: Does anyone know when something like this will be changed in Minecraft, or when Minecraft

Still can t get into multiplayer mode in Minecraft, even though my parents have now changed it in Microsoft s privacy settings

notices that the settings of my Microsoft account have been changed and I'm now allowed to do so?


Well, if the first point is blocked, then you can no longer play together in the Java version, as this is a "gaming service outside of Xbox Live".


Both points are allowed on


Then at least this shouldn't make a difference.


Before it was blocked, he changed that 2 hours ago, but Minecraft still doesn't work.


That can be true, but then it is definitely not due to these settings. Has anything been changed on the router?


I don't think I've had the Minecraft account since today, settings are allowed on and now I'm just trying to wait until tomorrow to get back to customer service


Minecraft and XBox, is there a Java version at all?

With the Windows version (C ++) you can't connect to Java versions.


So I have Windows 10 on my PC, the Microsoft settings apply to XBox One and Windows 10, because he had clicked on allowed. Still nothing

I wonder if it might take a few hours, but it's been 2-3 hours


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