Shader Minecraft Bedrock on Win10 (1.16.210)?


Meal my friends of chosen gaming,

I currently have the problem that my shaders simply do not work. I have already heard that some which run on iOS / iPadOS or Android do not run on Windows 10. Does anyone have a trick like these functions in which folder they have to be and, above all, the link to something that works for eich for safety.


What are you playing on If on PC then prefer ray tracing that is better.


Yes as above is calculator with Windows 10 and what is ray tracing


Like a shader, only that the light is calculated in real time, and it's also 3D. You need an extra texture pack for this. You can get this for free in the Marketplace if you have at least one RTX 2060 as a graphic card. Then you can simply activate "Raytracing" in the world settings.