Can you spawn a peaceful mob in Minecraft?


Hi, I want to spawn a slime that does not attack a player. Bzw should he do the player no harm, so not hitten etc. So that the player does not notice the Seine, so to speak. The goal is to spawn an invisible slime that does not move and has infinite hearts and one just does not hate. Is there any metadata / NBT tags on the Simmons command? Or are there any effects etc?


/ summon Slime ~ ~ 1 ~ {NoAI: 1, Silent: 1, Invulnerable: 1, PersistenceRequired: 1b}

NoAI: He can't move and does not look after the player
Silent: He does not make any noise
Invulnerable: Invulnerable
PersistenceRequired: Despawns not

Then you have to add invisibility one by one:

effect @e [type = Slime, r = 5] invisibility 99999 255


Yes, I have everything in it, but unfortunately many things do not work. I can beat him anyway, until he dies. Have a spigot server version 1.12.2. Is it because of that?


In Creative Mode you CAN kill! Maybe it's because of that? Or were you really in survival fashion?


Oops haha, but also in Yuri val / adventure fashion attacks someone. So somehow I can't make it, that the Slime does not attack the person, if one runs through the Seine.


Or is it the size? I would like to have that on size 3. As soon as I add that, it attacks a player.


Is probably a bug.

Was only fixed in 1:13.

If it helps, you can give the phlegm weakness infinity. Then he does at least no harm. But that he does not attack you is impossible, sorry.


Have a solution that he does not attack you!

There's something called "teams". If players or mobs are in the same team, they can't harm each other!

Create the team:

/ scoreboard teams add friendly

Join the team yourself:

/ scoreboard teams join Friendly

Add the Slime (you have to stand next to it for that)

/ scoreboard teams join Friendly @e [type = Slime, r = 5]

Now the Slime can't attack you anymore! He is in the same team as you.


I've already tried that. This does not work. The Slime does not focus on me then, but if I run into the Slime, then I still get damage and recoil


In itself, my Zeil is that you can't destroy paintings. If I spam an invisible entity to it, then you can't deny it, because you then beat the entity so to speak. The only problem is that the Slime would be a perfect entity, because you can adjust its size arbitrarily and that the Slime is perfectly one block big.


You can just make the painting indestructible… XD

/ data merge entity @e [type = painting, sort = nearest, limit = 1] {Invulnerable: 1b}

Edit: I think the command is only for 1.13+. I'm looking for a command that works for old versions! Give me a minute. ^^


/ entitydata @e [type = painting, r = 5] {Invulnerable: 1}

Try this. Write if it works.


I do not pack xD So that's easy. I'm always wondering why this is not possible with other adventure maps. Since you can always refuse the pictures and on the Internet, I have found nothing synonymous. The command works!


Can you do that with flowerpots? So that you can take nothing more out there? And for these lines? Well, that thing, if they're on a fence.


Flower pots are blocks, from that no.

For linen could go the following:

/ entitydata @e [type = leash_knot, r = 5] {Invulnerable: 1}


Do you have any idea how to freeze a minecart? I want one in which you can't get in and you can't move


That works, as follows:

In order for the Minecart not to be moved, it must be on a different Entity.
So you can't get in the Minecart must be an entity

Here you create a Minecart on an Armor_Stand, where an Armor_Stand sits.

/ summon minecraft: armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Invulnerable: 1b, Marker: 1b, Invisible: 1b, Passengers: [{id: "minecraft: minecart", Passengers: [{id: "minecraft: armor_stand", Invulnerable: 1b, Marker: 1b, Invisible: 1b}]}]}


To secure flowerpots you have to position yourself EXACTLY over the middle of the filled flower pot and enter the following:

/ summon minecraft: armor_stand ~ ~ -1 ~ {Invulnerable: 1b, Invisible: 1b}


Do you know if you can disable item frames? So you can't turn the content anymore?


Same as the flower pot, but this time you need two armor boards to cover the whole ItemFrame.

/ summon minecraft: armor_stand ~ ~ -1 ~ {Invulnerable: 1b, Invisible: 1b, NoGravity: 1}


I just did it with a slime that's just right on the wall. So you only see a little bit of it, so it does not attack and does not push you away.


Jo, that's how it works.