Minecraft mob farm? - 1


I built a mob farm in Minecraft, but not a single mob spawns…

Can someone explain to me why none spawn there?


Probably because there's no spawn point there…


Where did you build it? Have you lit the area well so that nothing else can spawn there?


I built it especially on the ocean


Maybe you are too close or too far away.


There can be underground caves anyway.


Game mode / difficulty: Peacefull / Peaceful

Mob spawn is disabled

Mobs only spawn in the dark

Mobs will not spawn if the player is too close

Mobs do not spawn if the player is too far away

many mobs Can't spawn in water / running water

Water mobs mostly need special farm designs (Guardian, Squid)

Maybe a video or picture of the farm could also help?


1. How far away or how high did you build the mob farm. Maybe you are not in the chunk where the mobs can spawn 2. Have you built your mob farm on steps, if so then you have to replace them with whole blocks 3. It could be that light is still penetrating through a torch or the sun 4. Up you shouldn't build them in the ocean because there won't be any monsters there (but it always depends on the version) 5. Look at what level of difficulty you are playing.

Hope could help you somehow, if not there are still numerous videos on YT about it.

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