I wanted to buy minecraft and everything worked but with multiplayer it says switch to mojang mode then I wanted to create a mojang account but that doesn't work, why? When I press login nothing happens
So I can't give you a real "solution", but I know so much:
Mojang is just starting to switch accounts to Microsoft accounts, so there may be a bug. I would contact Minecraft Support, especially if you have already bought the game for money
You can no longer create mojang accounts just before all this Microsoft stuff and the function is now for people who still have a mojang account from before and do not want to pay money again have a mojang account themselves
I bought minecraft with money, which means that it was a waste of money or you can play online again with microsoft accounts at some point
Have you used alts before? Download the authenticator and click on Mojang: https://mcleaks.net/authenticator
If you have a Microsoft account, you have to switch to Minecraft within the account (switch to mojang mode). That means: switch to Mojang mode. Somewhere there are tabs that show you the way and / or a help file. The Mojang FAQ also describes how to proceed.
A little reading through will also bring you to your goal.