AMD A10 7870k crashes all games, why?


I have had my gaming PC for 2 years and could play with good graphics without any problems. However, this is no longer current for me today. In other words:

Is my A10 7870k too bad for the games: Grand Theft Auto V, Minecraft, LS19…

Because it keeps falling after 2 minutes of play.

I have been told that my processor has too few cores, here is a list of my components:

Processor: AMD A10 7870k

Mainboard: A68HM-Plus

Graphics card: Asus GTX 1050 Ti Ceberus

RAM: 16 GB 1600 MhZ

Can someone help me or recommend another good processor?

I'm really speechless when it comes to my games because it used to work perfectly.


Someone said something wrong to you. If a game crashes it's not a problem with the cores.

If your computer simply did not have the power to play the games, it would jerk or there would be seconds where you could not move, etc.

If a PC runs for a few years, it is a common mistake that the processor cooler either cools less (e.g. Because of dirt and old processor paste) or that the cooler fails more or less completely.

Especially with something like crashing after 2 minutes it can easily be a heat problem.

Download a program with which you can read the temperature of the processor. E.g. CPU temp.

If you have values over 80 degrees there's definitely a problem with the processor fan.

In this case you should not start your PC anymore you bought a new Proz fan.