I want to make a wheat patch for myself in Minecraft.
I tried doing this near a water source but it didn't work and I couldn't plant anything.
If I right-click with a hoe on the ground, nothing happens.
What am I doing wrong?
I have the Java Edition.
Are you sure you're doing it with the right hoe?
Did that with the wood chopper
Did you use sand instead of earth?
- Remove grass
- Choose the correct biome
- Right click with hoe
- Water 4 blocks away regardless of whether it is flowing or standing
- Seeds with right click on it
Absolutely no idea what you're doing wrong, but if you send a short video or a few pictures I'll know why it doesn't work
A water source supplies a 9x9 area with water, make sure you don't use wheat seeds and that you actually use a hoe
That should be a bug. Do you play on a server It often happens there.