Minecraft FPS problem? - 1


So I have the following problem in Minecraft: If I don't have Vsync I get screen tearing even though I have more FPS than my monitor HZ. However, when I turn on Vsync I get FPS drops.

Maybe someone has suggested solutions?


Do you have a VSync graphics card and a monitor that supports it? Otherwise you can just leave it out


So my graphics card supports Vsync. As far as the monitor is concerned, every monitor supports Vsync because it comes from the GraKa.


Oh, I confused it with FreeSync from amd. I'm sorry, I can't help you with that


Maybe delete .minecraft folder?


The problem with tearing is that your graphics card outputs more images than your screen can display, not the other way around.

With Vsync, the frame rate is adapted to the monitor and artificially reduced accordingly. That means it runs less smoothly.

For example, if you have a 60hz monitor and your GPU can display 120 frames per second in Minecraft, tearing occurs. If you use Vsync, only 60 instead of 120 images are displayed, since the FPS has been adapted to the repetition rate of 60hz of your screen.

With Vsync with a 60hz monitor it should also be noted that the FPS should be reduced to 30 as the next level if they should fall below 60. In between there's nothing without other software solutions.