Download Minecraft yes or no?


Hi. I wish I could download Minecraft for several years. My parents are against it. They say then I'll be on the phone too much. I would even delete all the games I already have (2-3) so I can download it. Do you have an idea how I can get her to let me download it?

Can you download Minecraft (original game) anywhere without paying?

I've tried other online games like Minecraft ( but it's just not what I want. I know minecraft pretty well (watch videos for years with tricks & tips)


Tell them to give you a cellphone lock of no idea 3 hours or more if you agree to it or so they may say yes


I have. But because of the school, I do a lot of things on my cell phone and then the three hours are only over with the school. They asked me to take 3-4 hours in total


Not the original, but search on Youtube: Why is Minecraft educationally valuable
and do a previous day about it and then you explain it to your parents.


How old are you?


If you know what parents are you should know that this is not possible




So first. If you absolutely want to play Minecraft then please on the PC and get the Java version for 25 euro.

And because of your parents. You can close a pack with your parents.

You are only allowed to play a few hours a day. This is possible with a control app. E.g. Kaspersky Safe Kids. This allows your parents to control your time and close the apps. So everyone would get something out of it.

The only disadvantage maybe. You have to pay for KasperSky Safe Kids but it doesn't cost much.

But you can test Kasper Safe Kids for 1 week free of charge.

Maybe you can convince your parents with it.


Well I wouldn't recommend downloading Minecraft on any dubious website (viruses and it's mostly illegal too)

I can't really help you with your parents, but you can offer them to install surveillance software and limit your "Minecraft time".

Otherwise, you should show your parents the almost unlimited possibilities and creativity of Minecraft.

And otherwise you have to be a little patient


But you would not pay me for 25 euro anyway. If only 7 on the phone. You can control it anyway


I was able to persuade my parents to buy a hydrogen oxygen generator.


How old are you?




Do you have an Android device or iPhone?




This is perfect because the apps on iPhone can be limited in time.

So you can compromise with your parents.

Tell them that you should install the app and limit the app to, for example, 2 or 3 hours a day. So everyone would be satisfied.


But you have to put yourself in his situation I think your parents are looser than his, much looser


Yes, but if you show initiative and stick to this, everyone should be relaxed is only a matter of time.


So I saw that you only want to play Minecraft on the phone and not on the PC, but here's a question:

You wrote that you watched tips and tricks on YouTube for years, are the tips and tricks for the PC or the cell phone?


Most are general. So fall etc. But it also has computer tricks


Hmm, all tips and tricks work on the PC and not everything works on the cell phone