I recently tried to miner a gold ore with a gold pickaxe, but there was nothing to collect. Maybe it was because I tried before to mine Redstone with a gold pickaxe. Can I undo this?
Then I saw that my gold sword had 4 attack damage and my wooden sword had 5 attack damage. Why was that?
Gold ore: To mine a gold ore at least one iron pickaxe is needed so it has not dropped anything.
To the sword: In which version do you play? It may vary depending on the version. For example, in 1.8.8 both swords have 4 attack damage.
This should probably be the game with the largest collection of articles / information on the Internet, so that everything can be answered in your question.
Gold swords and gold picks are useless, the material is too soft - Minecraft is right. In Minecraft Wiki you can find the information, gold is the weakest material, followed by wood, stone, iron and diamond.