Play shaders without RAM?


I would like to play Minecraft Java Edition with shaders. I have an NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX graphics card. I don't know what exactly. I don't know how much RAM memory I have or need. I only know one thing: Whenever I play with shaders, my game lag is super strong and I have exactly 5 fps. Is there any option to play with shaders WITHOUT RAM?


So WITHOUT RAM generally nothing works.

Shaderpacks in the Java Edition are extremely powerful. It is completely normal that it jerks extremely with weaker PCs.

A gtx graphics card says nothing at first. It can also be 10 years old.

Have a look in your device manager, you will find it there and you will at least know what kind of components your PC has.


I do believe that you need RAM. I would even lean so far out of the window and claim without RAM your computer wouldn't even start.

By the way, your graphics card has nothing to do with your main memory, unless you mean VRAM, i.e. The main memory of your GPU and the same applies here: Without it, you would have no picture…

Incidentally, Nvidia is a manufacturer Geforce GTX a trademark, your statement has no meaning at all, except that we now know that you are not using IGP.


RAM - aka Random Access Memory - is the main memory of your PC - nothing works without RAM.

You can't do anything with the information about your graphics card, as there are umpteen GTX cards from NVIDIA - your question simply can't be answered - we simply have no system information, how much RAM you have, which graphics card and which CPU…


I assume you mean the VRAM. Without a reasonable size, nothing works today. The old GTX with 2-3GB VRAM no longer take part.