My Minecraft account has stopped working, what can I do?


I wanted to play Minecraft with friends again, but unfortunately I can't do it I'll pack the things that are displayed to me.

When I enter my email address it is always replaced with a long number, some of which are also letters like this: 1266ja636ka7279ab8189ndn9

My Minecraft account has stopped working, what can I do My Minecraft account has stopped working, what can I do - 1

It may be that you haven't used Minecraft for a long time, so a generic name has been assigned (the long number)

It is best to follow the steps that are offered to me with "Read more".


Since when has an email been made up of numbers?


Since then there has been something behind it


Ask the Minecraft Support


Thanks for your advice.

I just reset my password and suddenly I come in and I was still able to log in with the old password on the monjang pageang