I have been playing Minecraft for a long time, but recently I have a very bad resolution in Minecraft everything is pixelated and have already adjusted the resolution in the launcher and it has nothing brought the game I have already reinstalled and it has also brought nothing and now I do not know what to do anymore?
You can change the resolution in the game under options or the resolution
Yes that brings nothing!
Vllt times the java runtime update can help
Do you play on console, mobile or PC?
On the pc
I actually have the latest version
Sometimes the installation can fail without the installer reporting it to you. Uninstall, reinstall. All in all, but it can be due to lots of things mc is a game with an infinite fundus of error possibilities xD I had to take only one of my servers because of broken chunks from the network, all of a sudden. There were only 3 for the time being: /
Yes, that's often the case… If you do not know where the mistake lies, then it helps to try everything from the beginning. This starts with the case where you uninstall java and make everything from 0 to 100 new.
Yes, I've already done everything so completely reinstalled!
NEN another user created and tried it there? I honestly can't imagine anything under bad graphics xD
Is good idea yes you can imagine as if you were nearsighted near it is sharp and in the background it is full blurred or rather pixelated
Hmm so half yes
Maybe your PC will not be able to provide you with enough power