Inexpensive desktop PC for school and gaming?


Hi, I'm considering whether I should buy a PC, firstly so that I can do my schoolwork, i.e. Microsoft Office and Chrome etc., but also for light gaming such as Minecraft. Does anyone have any idea? I would love to buy a used Imac, but most of them are already 5 years old. The whole thing should cost around 500 euro, is that even possible? So you get something suitable for the price that lasts for a long time?


You should say goodbye to a Mac. For the budget you only get garbage and MacOS is not really suitable for gaming.

So now to your question: Yes, for 500 euro you can get a PC with which you can play reasonably well. With the budget, of course, you have to cut back on many things.



Thank you! That with the Mac makes sense, is now discarded. Would you have experience there and could you give me a specific PC recommendation?


Yes, Hardware Council or Harwaredealz have a good 500 euro configurations.