What's the meaning of life?


I feel like I'm awake every night and play Minecraft, Gta online or some other video game. One question always comes up:

What's the meaning of life?

I mean, you are born, you live like 80 years and then you die.

It's not like nature has somehow given us a goal, but you just live from day to day until you are too old and die.

What's the point?! Wtf!

What do you think of that?


One recognizes the meaning, or one's own meaning of life, on the deathbed.


Your goal is to survive so that your species (humanity) does not die out, we have programmed it for ages, so to speak


The meaning of life for me is to use the years that have been given meaningfully. It's not just work, the things you enjoy are so important. It should be balanced in everything we do. This is how you have a full life.


Interesting view… You are talking about the "spoon" list?


If that makes you happy, that's ok.

For me, the meaning of life is to make my years of life as exciting, beautiful and happy as possible. To lead a full life, where when it comes to an end I can say: "It was good and I have no regrets."


My opinion on the meaning, maybe this will help you:

You can of course have fun. You can do useful things, e.g. B. Help people, be there for others, stand up for the environment or donate money. I sit down e.g. For fair trade one.

I'm christ. Many people believe that God gives meaning to life. God loves you. If you want to know something that convinces me that there's God and life after death, then you can contact me, for example. Questions or go to my profile. I therefore believe that death is not all over. That of course gives meaning to life.